
Lurgan Elim Campaigners had its beginnings in 1983, when the Pastor of the Church at the time, Pastor Stephen Hilliard and his wife felt called to start a uniformed youth organisation within the Church. The Clan opened its doors in March 1984 and continued to grow throughout the 1980s. At the start of the 1990's, the Clan experienced considerable growth, both in numbers and in staff. We praise God for His goodness.

The Clans meet on a Wednesday evening from 6:45pm to 9:30pm in our halls on the Banbridge Road in Lurgan.

The youngest section is the Eagles Clan. They are the ones who stand out in their bright red sweatshirts and are aged from 4 to 6 years. We consider the Eagles to be very special and very important, because it is through this section that many recruitment opportunities are available to us. The Eagles Clan operates within a playgroup atmosphere and they love to colour in pictures, make things, learn about Jesus and they really enjoy runabout games.

The next section is the Junos Clan. They can be seen on a Wednesday evening in their bright royal blue sweatshirts and are aged 6 to 10 years. Junos have enquiring minds and Campaigners have plenty for them to look into. They do Tasks each week e.g. they learn how to look after their pets, how to make a moving model and how to grow plants in the garden. Junos also learn about God - they make posters and sing choruses.

The older sections are the Inters and Craftsmen Clans. In Lurgan Elim, these Clans meet together. The Inters are aged 10 - 13 years and they also wear bright royal blue sweatshirts. Craftsmen are aged 13 to 18 years and they wear navy sweatshirts. Inters and Craftsmen know their own minds and we always try to consult the Clansmen whenever we plan our activities such as Bell Ringing, DIY, Puppetry, Cycling, Entertainer, Cookery and Football.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award adds another dimension to the programme in the Craftsman Clan with its service, skills, PE and expedition sections.

Leaders in Campaigners are called Chiefs and we currently have 26 trained Chiefs working in the Clan. One of the highlights of the Campaigner year for Inters and Craftsmen is the Campaigner Weekend, with plenty of fun, plenty of food but not too much sleep!

Of course the most important part of our Parade night is Clan C. This is the few moments at the end of the evening when we gather around God's Word and we teach the children about Jesus.

If you would like more information about Campaigners in Lurgan Elim please use the Contact page to get in touch.

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